Bavarian Adult Day Care Center near to Munich

The day care Villa Via Vita was launched by the registered medical and health nurse Julia Melnitzki 2010 and has enjoyed increasing popularity since then. There was the opportunity to rebuild a Canadian wooden house for the needs of a day care and to offer guests an exclusive experience with it - unique in all of Bavaria.
The wooden house was built in Canada, dismantled and rebuilt in Wielenbach in Weilheim. Renovation and remodeling for the disabled and care for Disabled facilities took nearly half a year in which everyone, family, friends and future employees hard tackled to ensure guests a wonderful stay in Bavaria, close to the city of Munich, where the annual Oktoberfest takes place.
Special Assisted Bavarian Excursions
Gymnastics in the Day Care Center

The Bavarian Day Care Center has established itself as a meeting place. The cozy fireplace, pets (Gianni, Rambo, Lucky and Mutz) and the large landscaped gardens provide a relaxing atmosphere in a relaxed, home atmosphere and simply facilitate the renewed contact with others.

Here is cooked fresh daily with the guests. In winter and autumn the fireplace makes for a cozy atmosphere. Working together for a motivating registered health, nursing and geriatric nurses together with family friends, volunteers and helpers side by side.
We also offer the opportunity to complete a voluntary social year (FSJ).